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Opinion poll--RumMixxaViews: 1158
Dec 06, 2006 3:05 pmOpinion poll--RumMixxa#

IAN PEREIRA (Advtg and Industrial Photographer)
High Comrades,

The attendance at the last few RumMixxas has been unsatisfactory. 24 persons were present last Saturday and we had a great time, but with such small numbers it becomes difficult to select venues for future events.

The earlier RumMixxas were held on Fridays. 30 and more persons used to attend. Comrades who worked on Saturdays grumbled that they found it difficult to work after a RumMixxa.

On the other hand it seems that many people have family commitments on Saturday.

Kindly help with your suggestions.

a) Should we continue with having RumMixxas every 2 months.

b) If we do, should it be in town or suburbs.( I prefer to alternate between town and the suburbs.)

c)Should we have it on a Friday or Saturday.( On Fridays people are at work and find it easier to get to a RumMixxa. On Saturday they might be too lazy to venture out of home or the spouse may not issue the 'gate pass' for the night out).

Do reply.



Do visit my site.---http://www.ianpereira.com
Are you an Old Monk Rum addict?---http://comrade-network.ryze.com/

Private Reply to IAN PEREIRA (Advtg and Industrial Photographer)

Dec 06, 2006 4:47 pmre: Opinion poll--RumMixxa#

Dinesh Punjabi

a) Should we continue with having RumMixxas every 2 months.

i think every 45 days as people would meet more often and the group would connect even better by meeting more often

b) If we do, should it be in town or suburbs.( I prefer to alternate between town and the suburbs.)

Agree alternate is a better..... but we need to keep it between Lower Parel to Bandra/Khar as it work out central within these limits, even if repeating a place its ok, as meeting and drinking old monk is more important.

c)Should we have it on a Friday or Saturday.( On Fridays people are at work and find it easier to get to a RumMixxa. On Saturday they might be too lazy to venture out of home or the spouse may not issue the 'gate pass' for the night out).

I will come wether its a friday or a saturday as its a old monk mixer.... but would defi prefer a friday .... it will keep my drinks in control and make me connect better with people. So the purpose of the Mixer is attained.


Add as friend on dpalb@hotmail.com

Private Reply to Dinesh Punjabi

Dec 06, 2006 6:26 pmre: Opinion poll--RumMixxa#

Tj says: "Whatcha looking at?"
A. Seeing the low atendance...once in 2 mnts is apt {absense makes the heart grow fonder} ;)

B. Something central wud be apt so whenever a rummixxa happens, townies and suburbans can make it! As Mr. Punjabi said earlier...its abt meeting up and enjoying ur old monk so venues repeated shud'nt be an issue.

C. Saturday wud be preferable forr most as u said earlier, rummixxas are being held every 2 mnts so setting aside one saturday every 2 mnts shudnt be an issue either!

what say?


Private Reply to Tj says: "Whatcha looking at?"

Dec 07, 2006 5:30 amre: re: Opinion poll--RumMixxa#

Narendra Kusnur
a) Once in two months is fine
b) Alternate between suburbs and south Bombay...
c) Friday, as some may have individual commitments on Saturday

Private Reply to Narendra Kusnur

Dec 07, 2006 5:51 amre: re: re: Opinion poll--RumMixxa#

Anaggh Desai
Ian, A couple of quick Q on this:
a) Out of the last 4 mixer % of common attendees?
b) % of Registrations saying maybe/yes for the heck of it and not turning up

The feeling I get at times; the same bunch who in either case one hooks up, mixer or no.

Having said that:

1) Once in 2 months is fine
2) Ideally mid way or places which are consistent(good/bad/economical/easy to reach, whatever)
3) Friday definitely

Personally, the location and booze should be fixed; the food cost to be equally shared with whoever turns up instead of fixed. Anyway let us discuss this at this quarter MNDFCK!!!

Private Reply to Anaggh Desai

Dec 07, 2006 7:32 amre: Opinion poll--RumMixxa#

Alap Ghosh (http://24x7-network.ryze.com)
Dear Ian,

a) Should we continue with having RumMixxas every 2 months.
Yes ... there's some hope for us losers then.

b) If we do, should it be in town or suburbs.
People that are signing up for the event should ideally decide. Run a poll linked to each event. I could tell you a couple of online tools that will help you gather where the venue should be. Start with two options and close on one 15 days before the event. If it get's too painful, we have the benevolent dictators (Ranajit and you) to decide.

c)Should we have it on a Friday or Saturday.
Fridays ... On Saturdays, other than attracting people that have nothing better to do, you also tend to get lazy with the day and drop out last minute. Plus Fridays are perfect to lie to parents and spouses about being late at work or out with business colleagues. Trust me ... a lot of us do that. :)

Though there is no sure formula for driving attendance to events (lap-dances and hot chicks aside), I could suggest a few ways in which we can make mixers more exciting.

Monk conversations: Select a topic and a moderator and after two large pegs ... let a conversation flow.

Monk ad-libs: Everyone that knows ad-libs, knows what OM can do to an ad-lib. Those who don't, can get a healthy surprise.

Monk welcome jokes: Free first peg to the person that makes the funniest wise-crack / joke / story on walking in. Everyone loves the attention.

Finally a word to the comrades. I know the least participating member has no place in saying this. Yet, rumixxas are supposed to introduce you to new people and new ideas. Badges do well in some drunk trying to address you correctly, but still ... hug the drunk (asexually), make small talk, he might just land up being your best friend for the next hour or so. Use your drunkenness efficiently. Discuss work problems, business ideas, new ventures, fantasies, hidden diseases, crushes, kinks, hobbies, personality disorders ... anything. I've found startlingly quick and easy solutions to huge problems just by talking to fellow drunk comrades.

I think being a comrade is a 4 hours, once in two months religion that takes no commitment from you other than showing up.

:) BTW, I'm drunk right now. Cheers (hic!)

Private Reply to Alap Ghosh (http://24x7-network.ryze.com)

Dec 07, 2006 12:43 pmre: Opinion poll--RumMixxa#

Ajay Goyal
ya its perfectly fine in every 2 months.

its better if we have it on saturday night so that we can rest on sunday and can it be more late like from 9pm onwards??

Private Reply to Ajay Goyal

Dec 08, 2006 5:32 pmre: re: Opinion poll--RumMixxa#

And one Mixer in bangalore every month!

Private Reply to Chandrashekhar

Dec 15, 2006 9:48 amre: Opinion poll--RumMixxa#

Amul Kapadia
hey ian,

every 2 months is good....

alternates is better......(loved the last venue)

and fridays are best....



Private Reply to Amul Kapadia

Jan 10, 2007 1:02 pmre: re: Opinion poll--RumMixxa#

Been There and Done That .........MY WAY
One mixer in Pune every month too or should we have the next one in Lonavla??


Private Reply to Been There and Done That .........MY WAY

Feb 03, 2007 7:15 pmre: re: re: Opinion poll--RumMixxa#

Laxmi Lobo
HI Ian,
A mixer every 2 months is better,
ideally mid town is the best..
fridays is certainly better than sat..
do considerr the lonavala venue....pehaps the rains in lonavala might be a good idea???

Laxmi Lobo

Private Reply to Laxmi Lobo

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