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Council of Old Monk Rum Addicted Drinkers & Ec [This Network is not currently active and cannot accept new posts] | | Topics
How do you take your Old Monk?Views: 349
Mar 03, 2007 4:12 pm re: re: re: re: re: re: How do you take your Old Monk?

IAN PEREIRA (Advtg and Industrial Photographer)

The mouth and shape of the glass is most important. In fact it is almost a science in itself.

Wine glasses have small mouths so that you have to sip small amounts. A beer glass has a large mouth so that you get a big mouthful and your nose also goes into the glass as you sip, so you smell the beer. A brandy glass has that shape so that the palm of the hand warms the brandy. The big mouth has the same funda as the beer glass.

Liquer glasses are small so the quantity is small and you have to take small sips.

All this explains why your beer tastes different when you drink it from a beer glass and from a thin long glass. When you drink beer or coke directly from the bottle it tastes different, because the nose is not involved in the process.

The same funda for tea and coffee. Coffee is traditionally served in small cups. Tea in larger cups.

In some bars they use the wrong glass because they do not know any better. The actual whiskey glass is a short fat one.

A red wine glass, a white wine glass and a sherry glass all look the same. But the red is the smallest and the sherry the biggest. Only by amount 20% each, but that is important.



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